30 Mar Dimasa Grupo is already part of AEDYR
Dimasa Grupo is already part of the Spanish Association of Desalination and Water Reuse
AEDyR is an association created in 1998 after the success of IDA Congress held in Madrid, and aims to bring together all individuals, companies and groups related to desalination and reuse in Spain. It is the time, and given the technological level and references of our desalination, IDA, the International Desalination Association, included among its associated AEDyR in fact one of the few associations that are not regional but a single country.
Of note is the role played at that time the great engineering that with full collaboration of some people did take the first steps.
AEDyR intended to represent everyone, to the large engineering, to the small too, companies of services, component manufacturers, universities and research centers, to public authorities, and anyone who privately wants to get in touch with this group.
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